Dynamic self care through a body based approach.

I’ve supported many people with pain management, sensation work, mobility training, and nervous system care so they could re-connect to their body and self.

With a bottom up focus, my work centers the body’s experience that is frequently missed in our health care settings.

When we work together it is understood that you are more than the sum of your parts.

Remote Offering

Remote Offering

Virtual Somatic Support

1:1 - Remote Sessions

Body based methods aimed at defining personal resources, establishing a sense of boundaries, processing traumatic experiences held in the body and building supportive practices rooted in Somatic Experiencing methods.

In Person Offerings

  • Integrative Bodywork

    1:1 Regular Sessions

    Bodywork that combines supportive manual and movement therapy with somatic practices, for individuals who notice a disconnect in their movement, posture, and emotions. Similar to other modes of therapy, this offering is intended for ongoing care and meets the individual in the moment, rather than following a preset agenda.

  • Massage Therapy

    1:1 Single Sessions

    Tender care that is aimed at gentle care and pain management, ideal for individuals cleared for manual therapy from their provider.

Are you a veteran looking for body based care?

Check out Somatics for Veterans for 1:1 peer support and somatic coaching, with me.