Earth Body STL

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Why Must We Feel: reasons for a somatic practice

I certainly can not tell you all reasons to connect to sensation, but I can share my own. As with any practice, there is evolution of action, interest, and meaning. The further we dive into routine and ritual, the more we uncover about our selves and relationship with the container of somatics. The invitation to feel might mean something different from one day to the next, but returning is key.

I reconnect to my sensations, feeling, and emotion so that I might continue to embody all that is Rachel. I frequently strive to find balance between my mind, heart, and instinct. I do this so I can remain in relationship with my-self, my loved ones, community, and the natural world in which I am not separate from. I know that I can not touch into sensation when I am floating in my airy mind-space, I must come down. I must bring my eyes and attention to the world around me and the ecosystem within, because that is where life is.

Noticing sensation is the recognition of vitality. I find it so fitting that this is our first sense in the womb. Around 8 weeks of growth, we begin to feel before anything else. As we age, we develop many forms of sensation that aren’t limited to relationship with the outside world, otherwise known as exteroception. Most of us can begin to feel what is going on within ourselves to include hunger, thirst, and exhaustion. This is recognition of our internal world, which is lovingly known as interoception in the science community. If you’re into such words, I have one more for you: proprioception. This is our ability to recognize our relationship to gravity, potentially my favorite sensation.

With gravity, I know that I am not floating like an astronaut in a space shuttle (sounds terrifying, imo). Through proprioception, I can feel my weight being held by the earth, and I know that I am not too much, I could even be more. With a connection to my physical form, I have awareness of where my limbs are in space as I walk, run, and jump. I know where I am in relation to another, where I begin and end. I can feel the point of connection, from my edge to yours. Brilliant, right?


10 reasons for a somatic practice:

  1. Feel into aliveness

  2. Know thy-self

  3. Reach into your heart space

  4. Deepen connection with instinct

  5. Balance in the face of gravity

  6. Coordination through obstacles

  7. Stability within your earthly container

  8. Connection to other living beings

  9. Relationship with Earth, your home planet

  10. To remember your connectedness with all living creatures, near and far

Sometimes we lose sight of who we are, what we desire, and how to move forward. Let a somatic practice bring you back, over and over. As many times as you need to keep your attention on what matters most to you in this world.

However you go, I do hope you’re taking care out there.