Injury recovery, holistic pain management, & trauma resolution.

Massage therapy, integrative bodywork, and somatic guidance for individuals seeking gentle, body-centered care.

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My name is Rachel.

I help women and gender expansive individuals tend and reconnect to their bodies so they can reclaim a sense of ease within body, mind, and spirit.

Searching for support that fosters a bodily connection?

Throughout my life I’ve experienced many injuries and impact traumas that just kept overlapping without much resolve, even after years of physical and mental health care.

It wasn’t until I worked with a practitioner who centered a somatic approach that I started seeing changes in my-self.

My aim here is to help you in your healing process, provide guidance in reconnecting with your body, and ultimately support the development of a deeper sense of agency without leaving any part of your experience behind.

In this work, all of who you are is welcome.

Primary Offerings

  • Massage Therapy

    Reserve time for yourself to receive tender and mindful attention with massage therapy that is aimed at gentle pain management.

  • Integrative Bodywork

    Connect with your-self through dynamic bodywork that combines manual and movement therapy with somatic practices. This offering aims to resolve undigested trauma by processing patterns held in the body.

  • Virtual Somatic Support

    Reconnect deeply to your intuition as you develop body based skills and practices rooted in Somatic Experiencing.

What people are saying

“I absolutely recommend Rachel. I've visited them as a client after lots of searching for someone that checked a bunch of boxes for me, including queer affirming, size affirming, trauma informed, and knowledgeable about massage and also body movement. Rachel is so calm and kind and creates a safe space that feels like anything the client needs is perfectly fine. It's the kind of space and vibe I hope I give off as a therapist with my clients. I would absolutely recommend her to anyone, including folks with trauma. They give all the options, including guided self-massage, and create a really safe container. We're super fortunate to have them in the area and I hope I'll still be able to get an appointment when their schedule fills up.”

-Melissa A.

“The best massage I’ve ever had in my life, it was amazing. I carry a lot of stress, anxiety, and physical pain in my shoulders from an injury. I was in a pretty bad car accident, that did some bad things to my spine. We are almost two weeks out of my massage and my shoulders are still not back to where they normally would be, they are still lowered. I highly recommend visiting Rachel.”

- Lindsay F.

Benefits of Body Based Care

  • Manual therapy has been shown to be a fantastic source of holistic pain management to support existing therapies.

  • Certain massage therapy techniques can assist in immune health to support healing and improve recovery process

  • When you tend to your self with a body based approach you are prioritizing the well-being of your physical form and expression of life through easy movement.

  • The event causing injury didn’t just affect your body’s structure, but your sensation, feelings, and nervous system. Somatic practices tend to the wounds unseen with the aim of reconnection to self.

What is “somatics”, anyway?

Check out the FAQ Page for answers to your questions.

Earth Body Blog

Earth Body Blog

Read More about the feelings, research, and connections behind my approach and  practice.